This Sunday, November 22nd is a very important date for the members of the Wallace congregation and friends. We will be holding a Congregational Meeting for the purpose of updating everyone on things that have been unfolding as we prepare to begin a new season of congregational life with the start of Advent and into 2016. The items to be presented are listed below, and some items are included in this packet while other items will be disbursed at the meeting.A Report from the Envisioning Committee
- A Report on the Process for the selection of a new name
- A Report from Council on the new staff configuration and budget for 2016
- A Report from the Nominations Committee for the Election of Elders for the Council, Deacons for the Board of Deacons, and congregational members for the Nominating Committee
- A Report from Council for vote on the Terms of Call for the Pastor for 2016
- A Report from Council for vote on the Officers of the Corporation
- The Budget for 2016 for the Ministry and Mission of the Congregation
- An Income and Expense Report for 2015 through October and a Financial Resources Report
- A Report from Council on other matters related to the life of the Congregation
As you can see there are a lot of important matters and information which the Council wants to present to all in attendance. The final Envisioning Committee report will summarize their work and continue to set the direction of the congregation’s future. This will be presented at the meeting via Power Point, with a limited number of copies for print. (It will be posted on the website following the meeting.) The report on the process for a new name is enclosed in this mailing for your participation at the appropriate time in the future. The Council has enclosed the staff configuration for 2016, as we strive towards the proposed staff configuration that the Envisioning Committee has set for the future. You can also see the names being presented for the Council, Board of Deacons, and the Nominating Committee for 2016. The terms of call for the pastor are also being presented along with the names of those to be elected as Officers of the Corporation. Copies of the Budget for 2016 and the Income & Expense Report will be disbursed at the Congregational Meeting .
We encourage you to attend you the meeting immediately following the Morning Worship Service @ 10:30am. We hope to begin the meeting by 11:30am, and conclude by 12:15pm, so people can enjoy the Harvest Dinner in Fellowship Hall. It is our hope that we can all move forward in “Serving God and Loving All”.
Pastor Dennis Molnar,
Moderator Council Members
Date(s) - Nov 22, 2015
11:30 am - 12:15 pm
Wallace Memorial Presbyterian Church