Friday Family Movie Nights: A series of movies for children, families, and adults will be shared every third Friday evening. The movie series will run through May of 2017. We will hold two separate screenings – one for children and one for adults. PARENTS this is an excellent “date night” opportunity, whether you decide to join us for the mature-minded film, or venture out on the town!
Either way, we will entertain the kids for free. Each film selected will be faith-based and inspirational. Activities, snacks and refreshments during and after the movies will be provided. We encourage the entire family to participate, but as stated, parents or guardians can also drop off children for the few hours, and spend some time outside of the church.
The March / April dates are as follows:
“Risen” starring Joseph Finnes
Friday, March 17, 2017 – 7:00pm – 9:30pm
A faith-based inspirational movie centered on the mystery of the Resurrection as seen through the eyes of a Roman Tribune.
A child-appropriate movie will be shown in the Lounge. After the movies, all are encouraged to participate on a discussion of the theme and content. If you or a friend would like to participate, please RSVP by calling or leaving a voice message for Fred Frost, Director of Christian Education, (412) 561-2431 ext. 20
Date(s) - Mar 17, 2017
7:00 pm - 9:30 pm
Transept - Unity Presbyterian Church