Sponsored by the WMPC Scripture and the ARTS Team
Spiritual Imaging: Advent 2015
If you enjoy creating visual art in any media, this is an opportunity to pause during the business of the Advent season and open your heart to listen to what the Divine might be saying to you.
We will first spend a few minutes together exploring a Bible verse related to Advent, then, spend 40 minutes, or so, individually creating art inspired by the scripture. These could be finished designs or just doodles that may serve as inspiration for finished works to be created later.
Wednesdays (Dec. 2, 9, & 16) @7 PM in the Chapel at Wallace Memorial Presbyterian Church
All skill levels, teens and adults invited
***Bring your favorite medium appropriate for a 1 hour session.
Questions? Email us at wmpcarts@gmail.com
Date(s) - Dec 9, 2015
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Chapel - Wallace Memorial Presbyterian Church