Food Pantry Overview


Illustration by congregation member Vanya Rumsey.


For over 40 years, the Unity Food Pantry has provided nourishment and encouragement to families from our area. A member agency of the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank, Unity Food Pantry serves about 150 individuals from around 50 families each month. Clients receive bags of non-perishable food items, dairy products, frozen meat and poultry, fresh produce, bread & desserts.  Diapers and baby food are also available to families needing them. Quantities of food provided increase as family size increases; generally families served at Unity Food Pantry range in size from one person to 6 people.

Eligibility for service from Unity Food Pantry is based on income (with the cutoff level for eligibility being set by the State of Pennsylvania at 150% of the poverty level) and geography (clients must live in Unity’s service area of Greentree, Dormont, and those parts of Pittsburgh, Scott, Mt Lebanon, Crafton Heights, and Westwood for which we are the closest pantry). The pantry serves not only people in the wider community, but also a number of Unity’s members and friends.

Our pantry serves people who are facing a wide variety of challenges in their lives. Each month, about 35% of those served are children age 17 and under; about 15% are adults age 60 and over; and around 15% have a permanent disability of some sort. Unity also serves clients who are employed, but whose income is too low to support themselves and their families.

The Unity Food Pantry is located in the basement of Unity Presbyterian Church at 1146 Greentree Road, Pittsburgh, PA, 15220.  Clients are eligible to receive food from the pantry once each calendar month.  We are open every Tuesday, except when a Tuesday falls on a holiday.  Calls from prospective clients are accepted from 8-10am each Tuesday. Persons calling to request food are asked to do so by 11am. Volunteers put food into client cars at 11:15am each week.

Every aspect of food pantry operation is handled by volunteers donating their time and talents; there are currently about 25 volunteers who carry out all aspects of pantry operations, including ordering food, accepting & unloading food deliveries at the church, storing it, packaging food for distribution, and serving clients during distribution hours.  The pantry is supported entirely by donations of funds, food, and time by members of Unity Presbyterian Church, community groups, and individuals.

Visit our Food Pantry Client web page if you are interested in finding our more about eligibility, and utilizing the Unity Food Pantry.  Volunteers and donations are always needed!  So if you are interested in helping with this ministry, please visit our Food Pantry Donations page.

Emma Schaub, a Unity Food Pantry volunteer had volunteered monthly with her friends from the Life Skills class at Chartiers Valley Intermediate School for almost 3 years. Volunteering became one of the most important things in Emma’s life during those years. The loving, servant’s heart that Emma brought to her volunteer work deeply impacted everyone with whom she worked. The plaque and photo are mounted by the door of the Food Pantry.