For Persons Interested in Helping the Unity Food Pantry
The Unity Food Pantry relies on members of our congregation, community groups, and individuals to keep us going! Here are some of the ways that you can help:
Donate Food or Diapers: You or your group can donate food to our pantry, either from items you have in your own home or non-perishables that you or a group in which you are involved collect for donation. Please make sure that donated food items do not have expired dates. To find out what the greatest current food needs are at the pantry, call Pantry Coordinator Sally Petro on Tuesday mornings at the pantry at 412-561-7551, or email her at anytime at
Donate Money: While donations of food are always welcome and are gratefully received, donations of money allow even more food to be purchased through the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank. As a member agency of the Food Bank, Unity can purchase essential food items for far less than they would cost in a regular grocery or discount store.
Donate Time: We are always looking for people to volunteer at the pantry. Tasks for which volunteers are needed include helping out on Tuesdays to unload and store food coming in that day, bagging food for clients who will be served that morning, assisting in food distribution to client cars and helping to clean up and close up once we are finished. To discuss volunteer opportunities, call Pantry Co-Coordinator Nadine Eichenmiller on Tuesday mornings at the pantry at 412-561-7551.