Although Unity Presbyterian Church was recently formed and its name adopted in January 2017, it has a rich heritage through the consolidation of two congregations – Dormont Presbyterian Church and Wallace Memorial Presbyterian Church. God has shared His love and grace through the people of this new church generously during their many years as separate entities in prominent locations of Dormont and Green Tree. As a new church family, we continue to share time and talents, in worship and faith, giving and serving others since our beginnings.
In November of 2013, the consolidation process began as both congregations worshipped together in the former Wallace Memorial building on Greentree Road. On September 25, 2014, we officially became one church with Rev. Dennis Molnar from the Wallace congregation as Pastor. Rev. Sarah Robbins from the Dormont congregation served as temporary associate pastor through 2015.
The congregation and staff of Unity embrace and recognize that it takes more than a good sermon to fill seats on Sunday That’s why Unity Presbyterian Church is seeking to reach out beyond the pews into the community, not only to spread God’s word, but to serve others and be a light in the world. Please refer to the pages under the Ministry heading of this web site to view examples of our outreach efforts and current offerings. We invite you to share in God’s faithfulness and strength as a part of Unity Presbyterian Church.