Lent Activities
Ash Wednesday Service
February 22nd at 7pm in our Sanctuary
Pretzel Sunday
February 26th during worship.
The children are invited to come down to Fellowship Hall after the children’s time to help make pretzels (a symbol of prayer).
Lent Book of Genesis Read/Study Group
Wednesdays of Lent
Becka Abbott will be meeting every Wednesday of Lent at 12noon in the Lounge and also 7:30pm via Zoom to discuss the book of Genesis. Each participant is asked to read a chapter a day and then come together for fellowship & discussion on their readings/thoughts.
Wednesdays of Lent
Becka Abbott will be meeting every Wednesday of Lent at 12noon in the Lounge and also 7:30pm via Zoom to discuss the book of Genesis. Each participant is asked to read a chapter a day and then come together for fellowship & discussion on their readings/thoughts.
Check back for more events/classes/information!
Holy Week preview
Palm Sunday, April 2nd
Palm Procession & Service at 10:30am
Easter Egg Hunt after Worship
Maundy Thursday Service, April 6th
Choir Cantata- 7pm
Good Friday Cross Walk, April 7th
Meet on the Lawn at 12noon
Easter Morning Worship, April 9th
Pastries & Coffee beginning at 9:45am Easter morning.
Easter Worship at 10:30am