Partnership Information

August 25, 2014

Dear Dormont and Wallace Church Members,

The Administrative Commission of Pittsburgh Presbytery has approved the call for Congregational Meetings to vote on the Plan for the Consolidation of the Dormont Presbyterian Church and the Wallace Memorial Presbyterian Church. Therefore, the Council of the Dormont Presbyterian Church and the Council of the Wallace Memorial Presbyterian Church are calling for Congregational Meetings, for the purpose of voting on the Plan for Consolidation, to be held on Sunday, September 7th, at 11:30 a.m., following the morning worship service.

We are pleased to share that both councils voted unanimously to approve the Plan for Consolidation on Monday, August 18th.

These are 7 documents to the Plan for Consolidation that were unanimously approved by both councils:

  • New By-Laws
  • A Petition for Incorporation to be filed with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
  • A New Council
  • A Pastoral Ministry Plan for 2015
  • A Summary of Resources and Budget for 2015
  • A Vision Statement
  • A Covenant of Agreement

The New By-Laws and Petition for Incorporation papers are larger documents and in the interest of saving paper costs these items can be requested for review electronically or hard copies can be viewed in the church office or mailed upon request to the office {412-561-2431}.

We have enclosed the plan and names of the New Council members, the Pastoral Ministry Plan for 2015, the summary of Resources and Budget Plan for 2015, the Vision Statement, and the Covenant of Agreement items.

Please prayerfully review these items for understanding and clarity. If you have questions prior to the meetings you can call the church office for clarification purposes and Pastor Dennis Molnar or Pastor Sarah Robbins can field your questions and provide a response. There will be a time for questions and comment at the meetings. Members of the Councils, the Administrative Commission, members of the Partnership Team, and the pastors will be available for questions the day of the meetings.

On September 7th, you will be voting on all these documents as a whole in one motion.

  • You must be present to vote.
  • Voting will be by paper ballot.
  • A simple majority vote is needed for approval.

We hope you will prepare yourself for the vote by making every effort to be present and be in prayer as we determine our discipleship response to the Plan for Consolidation.


Pastor Sarah Robbins
Moderator of the Dormont Presbyterian Church

Pastor Dennis Molnar
Moderator of the Wallace Memorial Presbyterian Church

Consolidation Letter (111.64 KB)
Covenant of Agreement (195.92 KB)
Combined Assets (14.04 KB)
New Church By-Laws (107.05 KB)
New Church Council Listing (95.59 KB)
Pastoral Shared Ministries (128.33 KB)
Vision Statement (414.57 KB)
WMPC and DPC 2015 Budget (84.97 KB)